The Story of the Flood
By: Daniella Shahravan
In many cultures, there are stories about a major flood that happened. One of them is the story “The Epic of Gilgamesh” where there was a huge flood and one man got saved by building a boat. I will talk about a similar story in Ancient Greece.
In the very early times in Greece there was a man named Deucalion and he was the son of Prometheus, a titan. After Jupitar had bound Prometheus on Mount Caucasus and had sent diseases and cares into the world, men became very very wicked. Men no longer built houses, took care of their flocks, and they didn’t live in peace together. They fought with each other all day. Promethesus was very upset and he decided he needs to send a great rain storm and destroy every person on this earth. He warned his son, Deucalion that a major storm will be coming and he told him to build a boat and stay in it so that he would be saved, since he didn’t do any wrong actions. He sent a great storm and it rained for a long time and eventually destroyed all men on the earth. After a while, the rain stopped falling and Deucalion and his wife got out and stepped on dry land.
This story is very similar to “The Epic of Gilgamesh”. It’s similar because they both got warned by a god that a storm is coming and to build a boat to save themselves and their families. It is different because in “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, the god wanted to bring a flood because the people were too noisy, but in the story of “Deucalion and the flood” the god wanted to bring a flood because the people were being very bad and acting cruel to each other.
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