Thursday, October 6, 2016

The story of Job

The story of Job goes as follows: There was a man who was always faithful and good to God and always stayed away from sins. His life was amazing. He had seven sons and three daughters. He had over thousands and thousands different types of animals and so much more. One day the Satan came to God and God said how the man Job is very good and follows God and never does any sins. The Satan said the only reason he only does good and is faithful to God is because his life is amazing so he has no reason to not be faithful to God and if his life was horrible he will curse God. God answered back the power is in your hands, you can do anything him and we will see if he stops being faithful. So, the Satan messes up Job's life, does bad things to him, and takes away all the good things he had in his life. At first, he was still faithful and thought that it might get better. But, it got worse and eventually Job got so mad he cursed the day he was born and asked God why He is doing all of that to him and asked why he was even born. In that story there are many similarities and differences to the story of Abraham and Issac when Abraham almost sacrificed his son Issac. One similarities of both stories is that in both stories God tests them to see their love for God. In the story of Abraham God tests him by telling him to sacrifice his son to God. In the story of Job, God tests him by taking away all the good things in his life and still see if he will be faithful to God. I believe that God didn't test those people to see if they loved God because God wanted their love or faith, God already knows if they have faith in Him or not. God tested them to show themselves that they are faithful in God and that even if they don't have what they want, that they were still faithful and love him. A difference in the stories is that in the story of Abraham, even though Abraham didn't want to sacrifice his son, he still went and did it (even though the angel stopped him) and He didn't give up on God. In the story of Job, at first when the Satan started doing bad things to him he was still faithful. But eventually he questioned God asking Him why He is doing all of this to him, while Abraham never questioned God. 

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